Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our milk, it don't come in gallons

Elianna started going full days at preschool this week. She was only staying till 11am now she is there till 2pm. She was SOOO excited about it. She was most looking forward to...nap time, getting to watch a movie, and getting to eat lunch at school. I'm not sure why she was excited about nap time, she never naps unless she is sick, and we have rest time here everyday so that wasn't something really new. I knew she would be excited about eating lunch at school because her first week, she was really disappointed that she didn't get to each lunch. So I pick her up after her first long day, ask her how her day was. She was all excited to tell me that they get to watch a movie AT nap time (humm, just like rest time here, so why was it oh so exciting when it happens at school). Then as we were pulling out of the parking lot she says with much excitement "Mommy, at my school, our milk, it don't come in gallons." It's just too funny the things that a 3 year old gets excited about.


Lowcountry Mom said...

What a smart and sweet little lady! :) Great observations, Elianna. :)

Lori said...

LOL That is too cute!! Good look with going back to school and that's so awesome that you met up with your friend!!

Amy said...

LOL What a cutie!

My princess slideshow