Thursday, January 1, 2009

Before Christmas

There are so many things I have wanted to post about but just simply had the time (or when i did have time, didn't have the energy) so today I have decided I am going to get everything posted. I am really late getting these things up but here is some stuff from before Christmas.

Ever since before I was even married, I had always planned to make it a tradition to decorate for Christmas on the day after Thanksgiving but it has never happened...until this year that is!! DH had to work so me and the girls made a day of it, listening to Christmas music and decorating away. It was fun and we got it all done by about 4pm so the girls could go spend the night with my mom. The whole day Elianna wore a sparkly purple ty-died leotard, lol.

Bethanie had gotten up early after going to bed late so she looked tired but man she is just growing up way too fast.

So here is the tree... notice the bottom doesn't have a whole lot of ornaments left, I didn't take the picture till a couple weeks after it was set up, my 10 month old niece that I babysit for, loved to pull ornaments off. Thankfully we had put only non-glass, no hook ornaments down there. She was constantly pulling on it which is why I was so shocked when Elianna caused the tree to fall over.Here it is without the flash, my tree topper lights went out right after about a week after just replacing the light strand in it last year.

We had lots of fun stuff to do leading up to Christmas but sadly I either forgot to take my camera or my batteries were dead so I missed alot. We did make cookies and brownies at my Mom's house, all the girls had fun and I found aprons for each of them (although you can't see the babies since the canister is in front of her, she had a little half apron on). They were definitely on sugar overload by the end of the evening though.Here is Elianna and Alyvia (oldest niece) before leaving for Elianna's preschool class party. She just looks too grown up in this picture.

After the party the girls came home and played dress-up. The Christmas Princesses...

Now on to Christmas Day :)

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