Thursday, December 18, 2008

OMG!!! Broken hearts, santa, snow and other misc. stuff

OMG! As in OH MY GOSH, what was that?!?! Today I heard a crash and turned around to find this...

Yes, that's our Christmas tree laying on the floor. I am not real sure how it happened, Elianna and Alyvia (my niece that I babysit for) were standing by the tree. Elianna was pulling the string on the one ornament to make it play music and somehow it just happened. It resulted in a broken antler

A couple broken hearts

And I thought my heart was going to be broken because Bethanie's first Christmas ornament was headlessIt's a Precious Moments baby girl that says Baby's first Christmas and has the year. My grandma got it for her. When I saw it laying there I could feel the tears coming to my eyes and I had to walk away for a minute, Elianna was already really upset, she didn't need to see me getting really upset too. THANKFULLY, it was a clean break, a little super glue and other than a couple little shiney spots from the glue, you can't even telll the difference. My tree looks awful now and it's really wobbly ( I think I may have cracked the stand when I stood it back up) but you know I am just REALLY thankful that none of the kids were hurt and there wasn't more damage to my onaments.

I tried to post yesterday but blogger would not let me to the posting page. Yesterday Elianna had her preschool class party. Santa came and she SAT ON HIS LAP and SMILED ABOUT IT!!!! This is the first time she has ever happily sat on his lap.

She was even scared to death of him as a baby...

And just so you can get a better look at that face...

LOL!!! Look at those chubby cheeks. I just noticed that she has the same dress on in both of those pictures, hand me downs are great.

On Tuesday we woke up to about 4 inches of snow. Both of the girls schools were closed so I bundled them all up (took about 20-30 minutes) headed out side, took a few pictures, the girls played a minute or 2, then one needed to use the potty. Took her in, unbundled her, she used the potty, bundled her back up (another 10 minutes) she went back out side. I fixed the baby a bottle and as soon as I went to sit down to feed they came, they were done playing in the snow already! Why do I always spend more time bundling them up than they actually spend outside playing?!?! Oh well, at least they enjoyed it for a few minutes.

Oh, and would you look at this...

Yes, those are EMPTY clothes baskets, my laundry is ALL done. Well the clothes are anyway. It's been so long since I have had ALL my clothes done that I just washed a pumpkin shirt...that hadn't been worn since Halloween!!!!


Anonymous said...

So sorry for the loss of your ornaments...glad you were able to recover the precious moments one though!!! Gotta say, too, you got a good laugh out of me about the laundry!! I absolutely cringe at laundry - it never ends in my house...glad to see I am not alone!!!

Lori said...

OMG is right...I remember somehow when we were in the mtns one time dh's brother and his friends somehow managed to turn MIL's tree over..She was about to die. LOL! Sorry about the ornament but glad the break was a clean one. ((((hugs))))

Amy said...

OMG, so glad that nobody got hurt when the tree fell. Glad you were able to get Bethany's ornament put back together too!

And Hooray for clean laundry!! I don't know if mine will ever be done. Every time I think I'm done I find something else that needs to be washed!

My princess slideshow