Heard this song on K-Love this morning!!! Had to share it, it brought a smile to my face, hope it does the same for you :)
I tried to figure out how to put the video directly into the post but couldn't figure it out, sorry, here's the link instead
The Cartoon Song
Ok, found it at YouTube...here it is, this video has the words but the cartoons aren't moving, the one above the cartoons are playing while the song is playing. Pick which you would rather watch, or watch both, the point is the song :)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
How Fun!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Who needs a Nintendo DS when you can have this......
That's right it's the all new PAPER DS! It even opens up, has an on/off switch, and the other controller buttons like the "old model".

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Long overdue pictures
Today I took a nap...a LONG nap. I was tired, so now that it's time for bed....I'm NOT tired. There are SO many things I could/should be doing instead but decided that sharing pictures sounded more fun, so here I am.
We had a great Easter. The day was BEAUTIFUL!! The Easter Story Cookies that I posted about did not turn out. The first night (Easter-Eve) I beat the mix for a good 30 minutes and still could not make "stiff peaks" So I told the girls we would try again the next night. I found out that it was because we had gotten a tiny bit of the yolk in the bowl. So on Easter night we tried again, I got the stiff peaks this time...only this time I made the cookies too big so the next morning they were not hard, they were still gooey in the middle which resulted in them not being hollow, but they still tasted good :) . On Easter we went to church, then went to my grandmas. Since Bethanie was born DH has only missed church on Easter 1 year (and it was a very rough year) and he has always come to my grandma's for Easter dinner and the annual Egg hunt. It has always been a tradition to get family pictures taken while we are at my grandmas while we are dressed up. This year he stayed home....and played his game. Yes, I was very upset, but I did not let it ruin our day.
The girls and I carried on the tradition without him.
After we ate, hunted eggs, and visited for a long while. We headed back home (just across the creek) I considered taking a nap but decided it was too beautiful outside to spend the day inside. So me and the girls spent the whole afternoon (what was left of it anyways) outside. I took more pictures of them....
(Elianna had found some glittery make-up)
We admired the beautiful tulips (all 4 of them) that had grown in our front yard....

and we "chalked" on the carport with their new sidewalk chalk.

Then we went back to church that evening. We just throuroghly enjoyed the whole day. Look at those bright blue eyes on Elianna!!! Still after 4 years I look at those eyes and can't believe I have a blue eyed girl.

And here is my beautiful little princess.

Oh, and I knew since Elianna was born that it was bound to happen someday and this week it did. Bethanie, who is 8 1/2, and Elianna, who turned 4 in February, now weigh the exact same! I weighed them on Tuesday and they both weighed 46.8 pounds!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Story Cookies
Easter Story Cookies to be made the night before Easter
You need:
1 cup whole pecans
1 tsp. vinegar
3 egg whites
pinch salt
1 cup sugar
zipper baggie
wooden spoon
Read John 19:1-3
Read John 19:28-30
Read John 10:10-11
Read Luke 23:27
Psalms 34:8 and John 3:16
Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3
Read Matthew 27:57-60
Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus' tomb was sealed.
Read Matthew 27:65-66
Read John 16:20 and 22
Read Matthew 28:1-9
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Monsters from Florida
Let me start by saying niether of my girls have ever been to Florida, we have never talked about Florida, and we don't know anyone who lives or has went to Florida recently.
Today on my way to take Elianna to school we saw a horse trailor at a stop light that was on the road that was intersecting with the road we were on. Elianna saw it and this is how our conversation went...
E: Mommy, look at that, what's in there.
Me: I don't know, maybe they have horses in there.
(then the trailor turns and we can see that the back is completely empty)
Me: Oh, I guess there isn't anything in there they must have already dropped the horses off.
E: Maybe they are gonna go pick up some animals
Me: Maybe so
E: Maybe they are gonna pick up some horses, or maybe they are gonna pick up some BEARS.
Me: Ooohhh, that would be scary but maybe so.
E: Maybe they are gonna pick up some big LIONS.
Me: Hummm, I don't know about that.
E: Or maybe, maybe they are gonna pick up MONSTERS.
Me: Monsters??
E: Yea, scary monsters. But Mommy, where would they get monsters at?
Me: (all that came to mind was probably under your bed, but decided not to go there, lol) I don't know, but I hope I don't ever find them!
E: Maybe in Florida.
Me: Florida?? What makes you think there are monsters in Florida? Where did you ever hear about Florida?
E: Well, I don't know if they have a zoo in Florida or not.
Me: Are there Monsters at a zoo?
E: (ignoring my question) Yea, they do have a zoo in Florida cause Hannah (her new little friend at school) telled me.
Me: Did Hannah tell you about Florida?
E: No, I just knowed about it