Well it is now summer vacation, WOO HOO!! I've been out for 3 weeks now, Elianna for 2, and Bethanie just finished up last week. I got a job, working at Wendy's (where I worked from the time I graduated high school till Bethanie was born). I will be working nights, mostly going in at or after 7pm. So for the first time in 3 years....I will have all day, all summer to spend just me and my girls :D I am so excited!!!! I've got so much stuff I want to get done around the house and so much fun stuff for me and the girls to do.
With the girls my plan is to come up with a list of chores for them to do (simple things that don't take but a few minutes) each day. Then when they complete their chores they will get to pick from the "FUN jar". The FUN jar is going to have a lot of activities for us to do, they will get to pick one thing each day that they complete their chores. I am getting my list of activities to put in the jar from here, here, here, and my old time favorite here!! We are taking part in a summer reading project that Bethanie's school is doing. Although Elianna doesn't yet go to the same school, the teacher over the project is also including her and has lessons and activities for her to do as well. We will do our yearly summer reading program at the local library and will likely attend many of the fun things they plan there. We will also be going to Girl Scout Day Camp one week and having Bible School at our church the following week.
As for the house stuff, first I want to get it cleaned up and organized. I am going to get my kitchen walls and cabinets painted and hang wall paper boarder (I've had the paint and boarder for a year and a half now, don't you agree it's about time I get it done, lol). I want to rearrange my living room and make an "entrance area" by our back door. I've got lots of other goals for the house as well. My goal is to work about 2 hours each day on the house then enjoy the rest of the days with the girls.
So in order to be able to do all this stuff I am going to have to cut something out of my days...and that something is going to be my internet time. Oprah had a show last week about a challenge where all electronic stuff was taken away from these families to see how they did. Then today as I was looking around, went to this blog I had never seen before and the first thing I saw was this entry and could SO relate to what it was saying! Sooooo, no more internet for me through the week. Monday through Friday the computer and the tv will be kept off (I am sure DH will not go along with this so his laptop will still be getting use). So look on the weekends for lots of pictures of all the fun and productive stuff I have accomplished each week!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Summer, summer... SUMMER!!
Please stand by....
my blog is under construction, lol.
Can't wait till gets done, I am loving the new back ground. A good online friend and fellow PE sister offered to make me a new header :) Thanks again Lori! I'm so excited!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Can anyone help me?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
It's days like these....
...that make me realize how blessed I am, how far we have come, how special Bethanie truly is, and what a miracle we experienced.
A couple weeks ago this little girl, Maddie, passed away suddenly from what I believe was a respiratory infection. Maddie was a preemie, born 11 weeks early. At 17 months old she was catching up and thriving, but because of her lungs still being weak due to being born so early, her little body could not handle this respiratory illness.
Then just this week, I read of this little girl, Kayleigh. Kayleigh was also a preemie, born 12 weeks early (Due to Preeclampsia, the same as my self). She was 11 months old, she went through 7 major surgeries and had never been able to go home. This week she lost her hard fought battle and passed away.
My Bethanie, as most of you probably remember, was also a preemie. She was born 13 weeks early (she was earlier than either of the 2 babies I just mentioned) and weighed 1 pound 12 ounces.

She spent 84 days in the NICU. Of those 84 days we eagerly waited 21 days before we got to hold her for the first time....

(Mother's Day 2009 Alyvia, Bailey (my nieces), Bethanie, and Elianna)
I don't, and probably never will, know why Bethanie is so perfect and alive and these other families had to give their babies back to our Heavenly Father but I do know that I will hug and cherish my girls even more knowing what could have been. My heart and prayers go out to the 2 families who have lost their precious little girls. I can not even begin to imagine the pain they are going through.
One more thing I need to share...When I was dismissed from the hospital after having Bethanie. Matt and I went to Kroger's to get my prescriptions filled before going home. As we went through the card section, I noticed an Anne Geddie's card with this picture
I had a feeling of peace when I saw it, it's hard to explain, but I knew I had to get it. I felt like God wanted me to see that picture as if He was telling me "She's going to be fine, I'm holding her in my hands". My MIL took that card and had it framed for me and it still to this day hangs in my bedroom.
Recently my girls have discovered a little picture album that I had made for Bethanie when she was a baby, to keep in the diaper bag to take with us when we would be out. In it I have a few pictures of Bethanie when she was in the NICU. One of those pictures she is wearing a dress that was REALLY tiny and my girls now use it for a doll dress. I think Elianna (who is only 4) has realized, to a point, that Bethanie was really tiny as a baby. Tonight she was getting ready for bed in my room and she yelled for me to come in there. When I walked in the room, she pointed to that Anne Gedde's picture and asked me if it was Bethanie when she was a baby. I told her no and then about how I had gotten it when Bethanie was still in the hospital and how it made me think that God was holding Bethanie in his hands. She got such a peaceful, happy smile on her face, tipped her head to the side and nodded almost like "Yea, you are right mom".